Object API


TLs on Kaizen have a object associated with them. This can help more information about a point. Objects on Kaizen can be queried using APIs.

Query Type


Query Header

Key  Value Description
Authorization Required Bearer access_token_ This Query requires the JWT token. To know how to get JWT token, click here

Query Parameter

Key  Value Description
building Required 12345 This is the ID of the building whose system is being queried. Click here to identify the id of the building.
object_type Required AI,AO Objects types need to be specified in this query. The types of objects on Kaizen are: AI,AO,BI,BO,AV,BV,MI,MO,BT,TL.
page_size Optional 100 Kaizen’s API uses pagination, by default the page size is set to 50. To change the number of pages per query, set this field to the required number. The maximum size of the page is 1000.
page_number Required for queries with count>page_size 3 If the number of objects is greater than the page size, to reach all the objects, use page number to reach all points.


For Central Server Queries:


For East Server Queries:



Field Description
links Contains the URL of the first query, the last query, the next query, and the previous query
meta Contains pagination information including the total count of the current page, the set page size in the query, and the total number of pages
results The responses from the query include if the object is enabled, the log intervals, manual override, the id of the object, the system name of the object, the building id, and the current value.

Related Query

The response from the query includes building ID, the system the object belongs to and can be used to query building and system endpoints.