Kaizen Release Note: V3.0.08
Release date: 2017-01-17
General UI
- Many updates to labels, layouts, and messages in the User Interface to improve clarity.
- Passwords can now contain characters from extended character sets.
- The page loading time for CopperCube detailed information has been improved.
- All users are now able to view CopperCube Object and Device Backups stat in the CopperCube detail pages.
- Sales Access checkbox has been removed from all Edit User pages.
- All Print to File buttons has been removed from the Kaizen GUI. This affects the following pages: Insight Log, Insight Detail, GS Insight Log, Trend Log Viewer.
- The System Description field has been removed from the Working Rule pages.
- The Insight Log page will be updated after an Insight is snoozed or activated.
- Priority drop-down selectors are now listed by priority level.
- Logic Flow connection lines will now align properly to the Logic Blocks.
- The PG object in the Golden Standard will no longer show the Symbol Table or Expression List as these properties are not human readable.
- Working Rules no longer have to have a unique name.
- Infrastructure Insights dealing with the changing volume of Trend Logs have been updated to use avg for average in the e-mail notification.
- Nested Energy rules where the output Calculated Trend Logs of a Working Rule are used as the input of another Working Rule are being handled by the Analytics Engine to ensure the rules are run properly in the order of the Working Rule hierarchy.
- Offset Logic Block now supports 30, 15, and 5 minutes aggregate intervals.
- New Community Logic Rules Templates
- Determine if the mode has not changed at least once during the course of a week.
- Determine if the temperature sensor is faulty.
- Convert energy savings to a reduction in CO2 emissions (electrical)
- Determine if two units that should be staged are turned ON at the same time without sufficient delay.
- New Chart – Infrastructure Insight Digest – a flexible Chart that reports on Insights generated by any combination of user-selected Infrastructure rules.
- Report Titles can now be created with blank entries. This applies to all reports.
- Energy Rate is now a mandatory field in the Tenant Billing report.
- The sample Community Library image will no longer appear in the Chart Template view.
- Building Operator Report – Detailed Insight Report updated to allow for no grouping for Primary or Secondary groups.
- Manage Rules and Add Subordinates controls will only appear in the main system list pages when at least one system is selected.
- Building Operator Reports – Set-points in the Manual chart and report have been up updated to remove the date selection. This chart always shows data for the current date.
- System tagging has been updated to support Trend Logs with short substrings in the name.
- Modified the Working Rule deletion action in Systems so they are removed in a more reliable manner.
- Default Logging Interval for imported Trend Logs has been set to COV.
- Custom intervals for Imported Trend Logs can only be defined using integers.
- The number of Trend Logs that can be viewed in the same graph has been increased to 32 up from 16.
Bug Fixes
- Group building permissions have been updated to allow for proper de-selection of a single building.
- Favorite buildings and pages can now be removed successfully.
- Users’ photos can again be saved properly.
- Read-only users no longer have the ability to:
- promote a Golden Standard.
- edit/enable/disable Infrastructure rules
- manually run Working Rules
- No longer able to create a duplicate meter name by editing an existing meter.
- Energy Widget will now show numbers that are larger than 5 digits using exponential notation.
- The navigation arrows in the Energy Widget has been moved so they are not overwritten with text and graphical elements.
General UI
- The Community Library will be properly updated when a template is removed from the Library.
- Sticky settings have been added to the following pages:
- Report Subscription for a table length
- The Working Rule list is now ‘sticky’ following a search. The search will remain if the users remain in the Insights area.
- Kaizen session timeout will again direct the user to the Login page.
- CopperCube version and size information is now displaying the correct version based on the CopperCube heartbeat.
- Favorite (Star) page links have been updated to support recent URL changes.
- The Rule Template list page for buildings will now properly display the number of Working Rules that have been created for each Rule Template.
- Community Library Templates will no longer have default TL references.
- The User dashboard Insight filters are again able to be created and modified.
- The loading time for a Rule Template page has been reduced.
- Opening an Insight from the My Dashboard custom filters will open the Insight page properly.
- Updated the search on the Insight Log page to the only search on the visible page content.
- Multi-Purpose Charts
- Update to Multipurpose Chart for Non-Cumulative Trend Logs chart to ensure all data columns appear properly in the generated PDF report.
- Values in stacked Multi-purpose Charts will be drawn vertically so they no longer overlap.
- Corrected an issue to ensure Chart series color cannot be modified when disallowed by the Chart Template.
- String inputs when defining a chart are limited to 128 characters.
- Pie Charts
- Pie Charts will now show the graph legend if a selected Trend Log has no data.
- Pie Charts will display the color matching the color selected for series input.
- Updated sample image of the Chart Template in the Community Library to remove unnecessary artifacts.
- Building Operator – Insights Digest charts and reports will identify the time using am/pm.
- Detailed Insight Reports can now support single quote characters (‘) in the Insight message.
- Average 11-Input Comparison reports have been reformatted to only appear on a single page.
- Some Tenant Billing reports in specific buildings were created with incorrect chart templates. These have been updated to produce the correct results.
- KPI Executive/Maintenance reports will show the date range for the report properly now.
- The calculation to display the total savings for the Insight Prioritization Widget has been corrected to show the same as the sum of all the individual insights.
- Multiple Reports will no longer be created when Save and Preview are clicked in quick succession.
- Billing Summary charts have been updated to show all data series if a series is left blank.
- Scatter Chart – axis labels for kaizen Variable impacts will be placed into the graph.
- Updated the report schedule time to use 12 instead of 0 for noon and midnight.
- A blank tag will no longer be defined in a newly created system.
- Clicking on an Insight link on the Systems dashboards will now direct the user to the Working Rule Insight View pages.
- Trend Logs in a system containing open chevron character (<) will now be displayed.
- Corrected issue where Working Rules could not be created using the Systems Tool for some specific Rule Templates.
- Working Rules that have a constant with a value 0 (zero) can now be created properly.
- TL objects will no longer be generated when Trend Logs fail to be imported manually.
- Importing Trend Logs with duplicated time-stamps will no longer generate an error.
- The Calendar close button now functions properly in the Trend Log Viewer.
- Viewing a 2-hour average viewpoint of the current month-to-date will no longer show any data from the previous month.
- Table length settings are no longer retained between the Trend Log and Object Viewer pages.
- Improved error message feedback when invalid data is entered in the filter of the Object Viewer.