Set IP for BACnet Network and Internet Connection


The CopperCube has two LAN ports – a fixed IP port or the service/diagnostic port and then the primary port that is used to connect to the BACnet network and gather data from your building controllers. The IP configuration of the CopperCube is an important step in deploying the CopperCube to collect your building data.

The CopperCube IP Settings feature can be used to assign an address to the primary port for the CopperCube on your internet network. The CopperCube communicates with the BACnet network and then sends the information to the secure servers using the Internet. Therefore, it is important that you assign an IP address for your CopperCube so that it can communicate with the other devices.

LAN1: local assigned static IP or DHCP. LAN2: (default, can be customized)

Go to the IP settings page

Once on the IP setting page, the following steps can be followed:

  1. Open the CopperCube user interface and log-in ( How to Login).
  2. Browse to Settings and then select the IP Settings option.

Option 1: Assign a Static IP to Your CopperCube

In order to assign a static IP (recommended) for the CopperCube:

  1. Uncheck the DHCP option.
  2. Enter the static IP address (under LAN1) that has been reserved for the CopperCube.
  3. Enter the other network information:
    • Subnet Mask,
    • Gateway IP and
    • DNS Server address.
  4. The Network and Broadcast address will be automatically filled in by CopperCube.
  5. Click Update to save this information.
  6. The CopperCube will reboot. This could take up to 2 minutes.

Option 2: Automatically Assign an IP address Using DHCP

You could also use DHCP to assign an address for the CopperCube on your network. The main disadvantage with DHCP is that the CopperCube IP address may change if changes occur on the network and you would then not be able to access the user interface using the old IP address. In order to enable DHCP as a means of assigning an address for the CopperCube:

Log in as above and on the IP Settings page, check the Use DHCP option and click Update.

In this case, you do not have to enter other network information.