CopperCube allows users to troubleshoot some of their issues by using the GUI (graphical user interface).
Basic diagnostics such as checking the collecting and sending of data are available on the Device Status page. More detailed information is available by examining the various troubleshooting logs and queue status pages. These logs and queues allow users to check for data collection issues, storage errors within the Cube, and transmission problems.
For additional troubleshooting, you may need to contact Delta Technical Support or CopperTree Customer Solutions.
Note: for Support to fully access the Cube, network access to the Cube on port 22 and port 80 is required; the Cube also needs outbound access on port 80.
CopperCube Device Status Page
The Device Status page provides information on the general status of your CopperCube. This page contains a summary of the overall health of the CopperCube hardware, basic system information, and the status of the data archiving process and transmission to the cloud and/or the SQL database.
All users have access to the Device Status page and do not need to log-in to the interface to view this page.

Accessing the Device Status page
The Device Status page of your CopperCube can be viewed by entering the IP address of the CopperCube device into the address bar of your browser and accessing the web interface. If you are connected to the CopperCube using the fixed IP port, you can access the Status page by accessing the fixed IP. Otherwise, enter the IP address of the CopperCube (DHCP/Static) to view the page.
System Information
The System Information section of the Device Status page contains the following information:
- Current Time – the current time that has been configured in the CopperCube device in the CopperCube device.
- Last Reset Time – the last time the CopperCube was restarted.
- Model – the model of the CopperCube.
- Version – the current software version of the CopperCube.
Hardware Status
The Hardware Status displays the frequently updated status of the CopperCube hardware. The following are the hardware statuses:
- Archiving Status – the current status of the archiving process in the CopperCube. The states can be: Initializing, Running, or Stopped.
- CPU usage – a measure of the percent utilization of the CPU of the CopperCube hardware processor.
- Memory usage – an indication of the amount of internal memory that is being utilized by the CopperCube hardware.
- Storage usage – this shows the amount of storage that has been consumed in the CopperCube disk drive.
- Uplink – a measure of the amount of time it takes to reach a known server on the internet.
Archiver Queues
Archiver Queues show the status of the archiving process. The following are the types of statuses on the queues:
- Active/Scheduled – number of trend logs that are active or scheduled to be archived.
- Excluded due to Errors – number of trend logs that are excluded due to errors.
- Delayed/Currently Offline – number of trend logs that are offline or are delayed from archiving.
- Newly Discovered – number of newly discovered trend logs. When you add a new device to the CopperCube device range, you will see that this number will quickly go up to a non-zero number and then come back to zero again, once it has been archived.
Connector Statistics
This information gives a quick overview of the status of data transmission from the CopperCube. This section is divided into two parts – transmission to secure servers and transmission to SQL server. The number within the brackets is the number of retries that happened during the transmission process. If the number of retries is significantly high, then it points to some kind of network issue at the site.
Connector statistics are of the following categories:
- Trends Today – Number of trend log samples that were sent today.
- Object Today – Number of objects that were sent today.
- Events Today – Number of events that happened today.
- Backups Today – Number of device backups that were sent today.
If you are waiting for the status page to update with new numbers based on some changes you made in the CopperCube, use the refresh button in your browser for the page to refresh.
CopperCube Transmission Queue
A CopperCube can be used to transmit data to Kaizen and/or a local SQL server. Once the CopperCube is connected to the building network, it continuously communicates with the devices in the network, collects the data, stores the data in its internal database, and sends it to the destinations depending on how it is configured to transmit. The connection between the CopperCube and the destination server ( if it’s sending data to Kaizen and in some cases the local SQL server) could break. This could be due to a number of reasons such as a loss of internet connection, network changes at the client site, etc. In such cases, the CopperCube continues to store the data that needs to be sent to the destination in its transmission queue. Once the connection to the destination is restored, the CopperCube will then send the queued data to the proper destination.
Transmission Queue
- CopperTree Transmission Queue: When the connection to the CopperTree intake server is lost, data from the site is stored in the transmission queue. The size of this transmission queue will continue on increasing as long as the connection has not been re-established. The user interface allows you to view this transmission queue (CopperTree Transmission Queue under Data) and search for the information that you are looking for. You might want to make sure that a particular trend log sample or object was collected by the CopperCube and successfully placed in the transmission queue; you can do this by searching for the trend log, object, or event that you are looking for. The transmission queue is divided into three different sections and using the user interface, you can select the category you would like to view.
- Trend Logs: Displays you a list of all the trend log samples that are awaiting transmission to the cloud.
- Objects: Displays you a list of all the objects that are awaiting transmission to the cloud.
- Events: Displays you a list of all the events that are awaiting transmission to the cloud.
- SQL Connector Queue: Similar to the CopperTree Transmission Queue, the SQL Connector Queue is a temporary storage location for the data collected by the CopperCube before it is sent to the SQL Connector. From the user interface, you can view the trend logs, objects, and events waiting to be sent to the local SQL Connector.