Verify Downloads with Checksums


Checksums provide assurance that downloaded items are what they seem to be.

Please note that the download links on this website are secure. Checksums are provided because some of our users are legally required to use them to verify downloaded software.

Required Software

In order to verify downloads with checksums, you will need to download some software.

Click here for a link to trusted releases of HashCheck, a tool that allows the user to check files for various types of hash codes, such as MD5 and SHA-1.


The following steps can be taken to verify checksums:

  1. Download the latest version of the HashCheckSetup executable and use it to install HashCheck
  2. Download the file that you would like to verify with MD5 and/or SHA-1 checksums
  3. Right-click the downloaded file and open its properties
  4. Click the Checksums tab to view various types of checksums
  5. Compare the MD5 and SHA-1 checksums with those provided on the CopperTree support site
  6. If the checksums are the same, you can be sure that the download is reliable