KbA0021: Kaizen Web Portal Security

Overall Kaizen Security

CopperTree uses Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) for all access to data through Kaizen.

Administration of passwords, access, and privileges is managed by a hierarchical, designated administration system within the client’s organization. The administration system offers the following capabilities:

  • User self-service: Users can perform many common self-admin tasks themselves. Tasks like ‘change my password’, ‘reset my password’, ‘change my contact information’; are among those delegated to the users themselves.
  • Delegated administration: Common group-administration tasks are delegated to partner and/or client administgrators. Tasks such as ‘create a user account for my employee’, ‘create a client account for my clients’, and ‘change the client-admin for my client X’; are managed by the partners and their clients.
  • Role-based access – Certain operations can be restricted to users of a specific Role (manager, users, etc). Administrators can create and manage types of users, such as other Admin, Local, View Only, or Everyone, and associate users with Groups, Sites, or Buildings. These types of users can be assigned by the Administrators to any users further down their navigational path, or tree. Administrators can create users with equal or lesser privileges to themselves.

Using the public API

The Kaizen public API can be used to pull out data from the Cloud in different formats. The API can only be used with a unique cloud key that protected the data. The cloud key applies the same permissions to the API that the user has in Kaizen. Each cloud key is unique and should remain personal for each user. For more information on the different APIs available, see the link below: