KbA0040: Cube stops archiving due to duplicate device ranges


Due to a software error, the CopperCube could manipulate the inclusion range and cause duplicated device range entries. These duplicates can replace other device ranges and cause the CopperCube to stop archiving some or all of the site.

This problem is more likely for each additional inclusion range on the site. Therefore the goal is to minimize the inclusion ranges. The preferred configuration is to have only one device inclusion range.

All inclusion and exclusion ranges should be device-level filtering. Selecting Trend Logs for archiving should be done on the Data → Trend Log Management page.

Reliable Site setup

For reliable site setup, there are several characteristics:

  1. The inclusion range should cover all devices the CopperCube should be looking at for trend logs and for objects (CopperCube UI Settings → Site and Device Ranges)
  2. Exclusion ranges should only be used for specific devices that should not be scanned and to exclude ranges of more than 100,000 devices
  3. Archiving Trend Logs is configured on a different page (CopperCube UI Data → Trend Log Management).

Detailed Process to Fix

This process seems to have extra steps but is the only reliable process for cleaning up the duplicate inclusion rages. The step of submitting after each inclusion or exclusion range seems excessive but is the key to the process working.

  1. Remove an inclusion range.
  2. Submit.
  3. Repeat until all ranges are removed
  4. Add the one big large inclusion range
  5. Submit.
  6. Repeat this for any exclusions if there are duplicates.

If any cubes fail, please contact Technical Support.

Have Kaizen alert you to this condition

This condition will show up as reduced Trend logs and objects being sent to Kaizen from the CopperCube. The infrastructure insights for no object and Trend Log archiving default as enabled and have high priority. To monitor this, the admin group should be subscribed to Infrastructure high-priority insights.

There are also 2 infrastructure insights that check for reduced daily Trend Log and Object volumes that default to medium priority. If subscriptions are set up, Changing the priority to High will enable notifications for these insights.