Kaizen’s new Insight Management tool makes it easier to track faults and take action.
In order to make improvements, changes need to be made. This article outlines important changes and new features that come with Insight Management.
No need to worry about Rules, we haven’t changed the behavior of Triggering Insights, we’ve just changed how users consume them.
Flexible Views
Rather than a one-size-fits-all Insight log, the new Insight Management tool gives users the options over what information is displayed in the log.
Not only can users select the various Columns of information related to the Insights but they can also group and sort on any of these Columns. This allows users to organize and prioritize Insights based on the metrics meaning the most to them. Click here to learn how to create Custom Views
Insight States (Active vs Inactive)
Active now means “active in the building” – makes sense, right? We thought so too.
In the past, an Insight was considered Active as long as it wasn’t Acknowledged or Snoozed. This meant Insights from prior years could still be ‘Active’ today.
Now, an Insight is Active if the Insight was triggered in the current aggregation period examined by the Rule (day, week, etc.). That means the Insight is relevant right now!
Users can filter Insights based on if they are currently active, or if they were active for the entirety, none, or some of a specified date range.
Building Dashboard
With a new definition of what is considered, ‘Active’, you should expect the Insight Widgets on your Building Dashboard to behave a little differently.
Now, only the Insights that have triggered in the current period examined by the Rule (“Rules currently active”) will be considered in the Building’s Dashboard widgets. The affected widgets are:
- Potential Savings/Top 5 Insights
- Insight by Priority
- Insights by Type
- Building Impact
This means that the old Potential Savings Insight that was triggered in your Building back in January 2018 will no longer be summed up in the Potential Savings widget.
Insight Status
Rather than Insights disappearing because a user acknowledged it, users now change Insight Status to determine if an issue is Open, Closed, or In-progress.
Users can leverage these statuses by grouping or filtering their Insights based on the Insight Status.
Now it’s easy to get issues fixed, just Assign a user to the Insight.
Views can also be created to ensure workloads are well shared throughout teams by grouping Insights by the user they’re assigned to.
Users can also leave comments so discussions can be had right in Kaizen with all the necessary information and data at your fingertips. If an issue is recurring, users can look back at Insight’s action and comment history to improve the solution the next time around.
Tags are an organizational tool that lets users apply a specific flag to the group, filter, and sort Insights based on.
Options for Tags are Quoted, Planned, Backlog, Logic Not Applicable, Point Mapping Issue, or users can add their own custom Tag. Click here to learn how to Tag Insights