Create a Schedule CTL


Objective: Creates a CTL Schedule

Method: Creates a CTL by comparing the occupied hours and the daily occupancy.

Outcome: A schedule CTL is created. This rule does not trigger an insight.


Use Date Part blocks to create a Schedule CTL (schedule hours can be adjusted, but uses 6 am – 8 pm as the default).

This rule is part of the CopperTree Standard rule-set.

Default Priority


Rule Template

Insight Type: Fault Detection

Trigger Type: Active High


Logic for creating CTL schedule


Tuesday Occupancy
Wednesday Occupancy
Thursday Occupancy
Friday Occupancy
Saturday Occupancy
Sunday Occupancy
Hour of Day Schedule Starts [24-hr]The start of the CTL schedule. This is 6 AM by default.
Hour of Day Schedule Ends [24-hr]The end of the CTL schedule. This is 8 PM by default.
Monday Occupancy


Hours of Day must be input in 24-hour format