How to use the Input Data Block


The Input Data block is the logic block to use for Trend Log data, or for constants that may vary between working rules from the same Template. It is set up in the Template and then assigned at Working Rule.

See product reference page for details on configuring the Input Data block

Configuring from the Logic Editor

  1. Edit a Rule Template
  2. Click on the arrow to go to the next step and view the logic flow
  3. Drag in an Input Data block from the menu on the right
  4. Edit the block
  5. Set the input type:
    • Raw Trend Log for a Trend Log with no interpolation. (e.g. unit conversion)
    • Trend Log for Trend Logs that will be interpolated to a fixed data interval
    • Constant to use a fixed value (e.g. motor size, temperature set point where it is not trended)
  6. If necessary, select the “Use as default for Working Rule” checkbox to use the selected trend log or the value entered as default while setting up a Working Rule. This default can still be overridden at the Working Rule level.

Configuring from the Rule Template editor

When creating a Rule Template:

  1. At the Rule Template level, switching between the trend log and constant inputs is possible without editing the logic flow. Click the ‘c’ to use a constant or the graph to use a trend log. Switching between raw trend log and trend log with interpolation requires editing the logic flow.
  2. The input can be set as the default value for all working rules by clicking on the check box at the right end (beside the delete button).

Configuring from the Working Rule editor

  1. At the Working Rule level, switching between trend log and constant inputs is possible without editing the logic flow. Click the ‘c’ to use a constant or the graph to use a trend log. Switching between raw trend log and trend log with interpolation requires editing the logic flow at the rule template level.
  2. The selected trend log or the value entered as default in the rule template is used in the Working Rule if the “Use as default for Working Rule” checkbox has been selected in the template. This default can still be overridden at the working rule level.