Return air temperature sensor may be faulty


Objective: Determines if the return air temperature is faulty.

Method: Checks if the sensor is faulty by monitoring the changes in the value of the sensor or if the temperature is out of range for more than the acceptable amount of time

Outcome: Triggers an insight when it determines the sensor is faulty.

Applicable System



Sensor validation rule: Check for unreliable readings in range and quality. This rule is part of the CopperTree Standard rule-set.


  1. Verify sensor exists.
  2. Verify sensor has power.
  3. Verify reading in BMS.
  4. Replace if the sensor is broken.


The return temperature sensor is reading outside reasonable range or is stuck on one value. This may negatively impact comfort or energy efficiency.

Rule Template

Insight Type: Fault Detection

Trigger Type: Active High

Defualt Priority



Logic used to determine if return air temperature is faulty


Return Air Temperature°C/ °FReturn Air TemperatureThe recorded Return Air temperature
Temperature Low Limit°C/ °FThe predetermined low limit for temperature
Temperature High Limit°C/ °FThe predetermined high limit of temperature
Weekly Insight ThresholdhoursThis is the minimum number of hours the system should be at fault to trigger insight


Default Thresholds:

  • Temperature Low Limit [°C]: 0°C or 32°F
  • Temperature High Limit [°C]: 40°C or 100°F
  • Weekly Insight Threshold [hours]: 120 hours