Determine if mixed air damper control is suspect

Applicable Systems

  • Primary: MAT


  • Objective: Determines whether the mixed air damper is leaking. The MAT should have a similar value OAT while drawing 100% outdoor air.
  • Method: Compares the OAT and MAT while the unit is on and the MAD is fully open.
  • Outcome: An insight is generated if weekly hours of irregularity exceeds weekly allowed hours.


  • Input normalized mixed and outdoor air temperature statistics with the respected mixed air damper throughput percentage.
  • If mixed air temperature exceeds outside air temperature, damper throughput is over 95% and the building is active; Calculate hours of irregularity.
  • Aggregate daily hours to calculate the daily score.
  • Aggregate daily score to calculate the weekly score.
  • If the weekly score exceeds the outside air temperature threshold, generate an insight.
while( MAT > OAT AND MAD > 95% AND Occ = 1 ){
   Calculate Hours of irregularity
   Aggregate Daily Score
   Aggregate Weekly Score
   if( Weekly Score > OAT Threshold ){
      Insight Trigger - MAT Outside of Range of OAT
Determine if mixed air damper control is suspect

Description / Method

Determines whether the mixed air damper is leaking. The MAT should have a similar value OAT while drawing 100% outdoor air.
Compares the OAT and MAT while the unit is on and the MAD is fully open.

  1. Mixed air damper stuck and/or leaking. Verify damper/actuator operation.
  2. Input sensor(s) faulty or miscalibrated. Verify input sensor(s) operation.


The MAT is not within ±2 degrees of the RAT when the MAD is fully open to the outside air for more than 6 hours per week during occupied hours.
This implies that the MAD is leaking or stuck and drawing return air.


Based off of NIST APAR 10.CTL Generated:

  • Weekly Air Damper Control Performance Score

Default Priority



InputsUnitsDefault ValueTagsDescription
Mixed Air Damper% cmd, mixed, air, damperMixed air damper throughput percentage
Mixed Air Temperature°C/°F sensor, mixed, air, tempMixed air temperature statistics
Outdoor Air Temperature°C/°F sensor, outside, air, tempOutdoor air temperature statistics
Occupancy  occupiedBuilding operation status