Multiple Union Logic Block


The Multiple Union Logic Block is used to combine multiple data series into one. This is useful if one temperature data series is missing values and you have a backup TL from another sensor. The input data series are merged together based on their time stamps and sorted by date. This allows for the combination of unique but similar data series into one more robust series. It should be noted that in order to merge properly, the data series cannot have the same time stamps, otherwise the value will be overwritten and only one entry will appear.


Input: The Multiple Union Logic Block accepts multiple data series as input, ex. multiple trend logs. Once again, only unique time stamps will be recorded.

Output: The output of the Multiple Union logic Block is a single data series, with the first input series acting as the base, and each consecutive data series merged with it.
If any of the input series have the same timestamp, only the first series will be displayed; all subsequent series will not be displayed. However, if a group of equal timestamp series is followed by an offset series, that offset series will still append to the first of the equal timestamp series.

Logic Block Configuration

Name: Choose a descriptive title to describe the function of the Multiple Union Logic Block within the logic rule.

Completed Multiple Union Logic Block functionality