Pump command and status signals are mismatched


Objective: Determines if the command and status signals of the pump are matching

Method: Compares the Command and Status to check if the command and status signals are active at the same time, to find out the hours of fault.

Outcome: Trigger an insight if the hours of fault are greater than the acceptable hours of fault.


Compares the status and command signals to determine if there is a mismatch.

This rule is part of the CopperTree Standard rule-set.

Default Priority



  1. Check if the equipment is manually overridden.
  2. Check interfacing relays.
  3. Check status sensors.


Pump command-status signals do not match. Please investigate unit control.

Rule Template

Insight Type: Fault Detection

Trigger Type: Active High


Logic used to determine pump status and command signals are mismatching


CommandHot Water Pump Command, Chilled Water Pump CommandThe recorded hot water pump command
Status Hot Water Pump Status, Chilled Water Pump StatusThe status of the hot water pump
Acceptable Hours of Fault per WeekThe allowable hours of fault, beyond which an insight is triggered
Cost per Hour$The cost of fault per hour
Days of operation annuallyThe estimated yearly days of operation used to project potential savings