Zone consistently in occupied mode


Objective: Determines if the zone is constantly in occupied mode

Method: Checks if the zone was occupied for more than the acceptable amount of time and calculate the potential savings by reducing excessive occupancy avoidable cost

Outcome: Triggers an insight and calculates excess hours of occupancy


Checks occupancy trend, and generates an insight if the trend is enabled for more than 160 hours in a week. Also calculates excess hours of occupancy using a threshold of acceptable hours of daily occupancy.

This rule is part of the CopperTree Standard ruleset.

Default Priority



  1. Review occupancy sensor calibration.
  2. Ensure occupancy point is configured correctly.


The zone is consistently in Occupied Mode.

Rule Template

Insight Type: Fault Detection

Trigger Type: Active High


Logic used to determine if zone is consistently in occupied mode


Occupancy Room Occupied 
Cost per Hour$ The cost of fault per hour
Days of operation annually  The days the zone carbon dioxide sensor to project the annual potential savings
Threshold – Acceptable Hours of Daily OccupancyHr The minimum hours of fault during occupied hours that can trigger an insight


Default Thresholds:

Threshold – Acceptable Hours of Daily Occupancy: 12 hours