AHU Mode of Operation (for use with NIST APAR rule set)
Applicable Systems
Primary: AHU, RTU, MUA, ERV
Objective: Determines AHU mode of operation.
Method: Look at control signal sequencing of HCV, CCV, and MAD systems.
Outcome: A calculated Trend Log is created which records AHU modes as follows:
Mode 1 (Heating)
Mode 2 (Free Cooling)
Mode 3 (Mechanical Cooling w/100% OA)
Mode 4 (Mechanical Cooling w/min OA)
Mode 5 (Undetermined Mode)
AHU Mode of Operation (for use with NIST APAR rule set)
HCV {cmd, heat, water, valve}
CCV {cmd, cool, water, valve}
MAD {cmd, mixed, air, damper}
OCC {occupied}
The calculated Trend Log AHU_MODE_CTL can be used as an input to the NIST APAR rule set to enable/disable a rule. This will help prevent nuisance alarms.
IMPORTANT: Minimum MAD position is currently set to 20%. This value varies per system, and the parameter should be changed within the logic flow accordingly (edit block 14).
Occupancy Trend Log should reflect normal occupied hours and exclude special modes like morning warm-up or night set back.