Calculated Trend Log Data Logic Block


The Calculated Trend Log (CTL) Data Logic Block provides a way to externally access a data series that only exists within a Logic Rule; it allows you to save the output of a logic rule as a Trend Log. Effectively, whenever a CTL Logic Block is used, a Trend Log is created. This Trend Log can then be used as input for Charts or other Logic Rules.


Calculated Trend Log Logic Blocks accept one input: a data series which will then appear as a standalone trend log. The Calculated Trend Log block has been upgraded (Kaizen version 2.1.8 and above) to generate a virtual Meter. The Calculated Trend Log block is able to accumulate the input samples over time.

Block Configuration

  • Name: sets the name of the block as it appears in the logic flow. It is best practice to use a concise, descriptive name.
  • Accumulate data: This option enables the accumulation of the data entering the Logic Block (the accumulated results are stored and available as any Calculated Trend Log). The numbers will be accumulated from the beginning of time (the first sample available) moving forward. This option is able to handle the running of a working rule on a small set of data and starting the accumulation wherever the last execution ended.
  • Kaizen Variable: (default = None): Optionally, if the block’s input instantaneous value needs to be saved, select the appropriate Kaizen Variable. Currently, only priority categories are defined for Insight Prioritization. This is useful when the calculated value needs to be stored and displayed as part of the insight.

Referencing CTLs

It is standard practice to leave device 0 unused when configuring BAS systems. Calculated Trend Log objects are therefore created under the device with index 0, which is reserved for this sole purpose.

Note: If a building has a device mapped to index 0, no data will be collected from that device.CTL numbers are issued in ascending order starting from 1 and are unique within a building. The first CTL created within a particular building would be [building ID].0.TL1.

Known Limitations

This Logic Block will be able to handle gaps in the samples but has a known limitation of not being able to automatically recompute the data after a CopperCube was offline for an extended period of time. This extended period of time has to be larger than the date range selected in the rule template setting for the limitation to appear. In order to update the data stored in the CTL, you can either contact the CS team or save the logic flow related to the rule template. This will trigger a complete re-computation of the data for all the dependent working rules.

Kaizen Variables

A Kaizen Variable is a container used to store a data value. Currently, Kaizen Variables can only hold numbers. Kaizen Variables are used to define the Priority Categories introduced with Kaizen’s enhanced prioritization feature. These will appear in the Insight Log so that they can be acted on.

Types of Kaizen Variables

The following Kaizen Variables have been defined as priority categories and are available in every building:

  • Potential Cost Savings ($/year)
  • Energy Impact
  • Comfort Impact
  • Environmental Impact
  • Property Impact
  • Safety Impact
  • Urgency Score
  • Heating Impact
  • Cooling Impact
  • Ventilation Impact

Best Practices

  • CopperTree has a standard for calculating the impact scores listed above (see impact definitions and CL rule templates for more info). Even though Kaizen provides you with the flexibility to modify this by editing the corresponding rule template, we recommend that if the rules are to be modified, please ensure that consistency in the calculation is maintained at least throughout the building. Example: If the comfort score for one system is calculated as a percentage, and another system is calculated on a scale of 0-10, then other users reviewing the results could be misled by the scores.